On a global perspective, bio lubricants are still in large phases of being in the coming off existence stage. Consequently, only 1 percent of the overall finished market of lubricant is considered as a boundless opportunity in growth. Regulation driven along with shift change in consumer sentiments, the sector has been all up to organizing settlements on a self-basis. The 2023 European Base Oils conference based in Florence, Italy aims in the resurrection of issues faced in the oil and lubricant domain of European standards.
Month: March 2023
Two Rays of Hopes for Seizures
Identifying the exact spot in the brain is the new development in the seizures research. This can be marked as a potential transformation in the world of epilepsy.
In regions where the income is low or middle, around 75% of people with epilepsy may not receive the treatment they need. While the disorder had become a common phenomenon, new research and development have brought two new ways to treat silent seizures in children.
The background:
In Dravet syndrome, epilepsy can start forming around the age of as early as 3 months. The infant encounters convulsive seizures wherein their arms and legs jerk repeatedly. The issue gets bigger as the infant become toddlers. However, a recent study draws these silent seizures in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome. The study further pinpoints the brain area that could be targeted to stop them.
They begin having another type of seizure which may not cause obvious convulsions but disturb responsiveness slightly making the child unconscious. This can occur more than 50 times every day. As the new research unveils new ways, the difficult challenge to detect and treat may soon end up the trouble.
That said, the research is still going on eliminating the non-convulsive seizures. As the case study taken place on mice has shown considerable transformations, it is projected to have almost a similar impact on the human Dravet Syndrome. If things fall into places, the discovery can astoundingly improve the quality of life in children who are the victim of epilepsy disorders.
This discovery encouraged two new strategies for the prevention of non-convulsive seizures simulating Dravet syndrome. There are Neurological journals being conducted for psychiatrists, scientists, brain surgeons from Europe, Dubai, Canada, US and many other parts of the world.
Getting down to the wire for the issue:
Researchers at the Epilepsy conference have already shown how neurons are highly responsible for the sending signals and eventually creating a complex network. This makes the basic and higher brain functions operational. When neurons light up, they transfer the instructed objectives for the receiving cell. This is further forwarded to the next cell to take action. Meanwhile, the inhibitory cells hinder the path of instructions, as a result, the instructions are not received at the other end. Since inhibitory cells work unduly weak, this results in excitement level getting raised at the same time.
Dating back to the previous studies in a few years ago, the research has begun emphasizing more on the cerebral cortex area of the brain, putting efforts to make it active. That being said, some of the studies are also focusing on cognition, sleep, consciousness, and attention.
If the non-convulsive seizures in children happen to get eliminated successfully, there can be better conditions which will help the victim not improve the quality of life but reach their full potential.
Among the Dravet Syndrome, more than 70% of patients have a genetic mutation which develops delays in maturing and seizures. This may seem a serious issue but it can brutally fatal, at times leading to sudden deaths. An upcoming conference addressing the issue will discuss epilepsy and will bring more light on its treatment research and much more.
The mouse model:
The conducted research showed that thalamus was the area where inhibitory cells were more active in the models of Dravet Syndrome. Research recorded brain waves detecting the abnormalities in brain activity in the mouse. It was observed that the non-convulsive seizures were more recurrent than convulsive seizures which equivalent to the ones in human patients. See how closely they matched we were encouraged that our work could translate to real people, so we went on to look for ways to stop the seizures.
Two Strategies to Reduce Seizures
When the victim experiences an absence seizure, the person appears to be absent-minded. You must have noticed how children going blank while you speak to them. This can be detrimental effects in daily life which are often misunderstood as the child not paying attention to what you are speaking.
In such cases, the person does not understand everything of what is being spoken but knows the gist of it. The instances may not be convulsive always. However, it is more difficult to treat non-convulsive seizures in patients compared to their other types.
Two ways to stop non-convulsive seizures in mice:
After manipulating the activities of particular neurons in the mouse, the neurons are controlled with laser light. brain using optogenetics, an approach that makes it possible to control the activity of neurons with laser light. They developed methods to detect seizures, and upon detection, quickly changed the activity of neurons in the thalamus to stop the seizures.
The new approach in the mouse case study allowed the researchers to pinpoint the specific cells. The research aimed at eradicating the non-convulsive seizures in Dravet Syndrome model. There was difficulty in defining
There already exists an FDA approved a drug which aims the brain activity to cause non-convulsive seizures. The only lacking part was that the drug was never used to treat epilepsy complications in children. Speaking of side effects, there was no side effect on the user post consumption of the FDA approved medication.
Since the medication has already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, USA, it has become easier to bring it in the market as a solution for epilepsy solution.
Guidelines on How to Organize an Academic Conference
Academic conferences are ways where one enhances the knowledge of developing the ideas of a specific profession. Organizing an Academic conference often accounts for a tedious task, still, interaction and involvement with various leagues does provide a base ground to evolve.
3D Printing In Business, Worth A Shot?
3D Printing In Business, Worth A Shot?
The current effects of 3d printing, known as additive manufacturing are vast on the business grounds. It is a process of making three-dimensional model data, which is furthered layered. This is in pure contrast with the effect of subtractive manufacturing technologies where a large block of materials is removed selectively. 3D Printing conference in the Netherlands, USA put forward the game-changing aspects in the manufacturing industries.
The overall process Of 3D printing in Manufacturing
The major systems of additive manufacturing have been using the digital blueprint created by the 3D computer-aided design software, acronym as CAD. The process of Additive manufacturing can further produce varied complex shapes and structures that cannot be easily produced with a traditional machining method. In the process of 3D printing, further, there are eight primary additive manufacturing technologies which are being implemented. Each of these uses a different build-up of materials which can range from plastics to metal alloys.
The cheapest form of technology in the recent domain is the use of Material Extrusion, in which the build in a material is the use of plastics. This practice is at times considered vague in response to technologies and high printing precision materials.
How has it affected!
In recent times, the use of 3D printing is not totally a replacement for the volume of manufacturing. The reason being the technology and manufacturing materials are costing more than that of other manufacturing approaches. Altogether, there is more widely used prototyping in a number of sectors which are lowering the cost of development further. In recent times even the use of 3D printing is showing its presence in the aerospace domain, which is a base ground to changing economics, further created with manufacturing of precision components. In a string of technological advancements, the use of 3D printing has been explored around contexts of medicine and construction.
The future!
Amid the next three to five years, 3D printing will take a major impact. The current market in the field of additive manufacturing has seen a constant steady growth scale. This growth has although attributed less than the personal or desktop systems. Thus, the industry has been not posing any immediate threat in the traditional manufacturing industries, but the change is more likely to be in gradual than the revolutionary phase. The current evidence shows the early adoption of 3D printing technologies being the advancement of industries, with a significant disruption process.
The current biggies hitting the 3D printing domain.
The use of new materials.
The use of research and development is increasing with varied ideas with printing materials continuing to gather information. The metallic 3D printing is further lowering the cost and effectiveness is increased. Cemented carbide is a carbon compound being used which is mainly made up of carbide bound together along the binder metal. This has been developed in Germany, and it can be printed using the blinder jetting and further produce objects which are strong and high in durability.
The use of industrial 3D printing goes up
HP being a new entrant in the industrial printing segment, there is a stronghold of 3D printing platforms in form factor and the aspect of the hardware being prescribed. The objective of the process is to greatly increase the speed of custom parts in printing, which can create the possibility of the standard part of manufacturing for the consumer electronics domain, and further high volume of engineering.
4th International Conference on Advances in 3D Printing & Modeling
The 4th International conference is scheduled to take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is a linking domain of various experts who attend the 3D printing and modeling conference. Accompanied by Research Scientists, Students, Academic Faculty, Design Engineers, Mechanical engineers, Industrial engineers, Aerospace engineers, Architects, the conference aims at providing adequate knowledge on the 3D printing aspects on a wider scale.
Augmented Reality Revolutionizing the Efficiency and Cost Optimization of Surgeries
Medical advances have been propagating on every hemisphere. The biggest in recent times have been mammography, ultrasonography, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging to name a few. Among all of these, there are technological developments adding up the process, with cameras, and some real-time data streaming devices. Annual World Health Care Medical conferences in Amsterdam 2019 focus on technological aspects of augmented reality.
In the recent domain, in emergencies, there are CT and ultrasound guiding the processes. With the advent of augmented reality, it can be performed in real time at the sound health of patients.
The Current Status of Technology in Healthcare.
Recently, imaging has evolved drastically. It is not the same as it was back in 1950. The visual data has always been on the 2D screen, but with augmented reality, there can be a major change.
The visual data enables the doctors to look away from the patient and take their hands away while operating. Further, the images are not always displayed on the vision of the onlooker, rather from the imaging device. For this doctors have to be skillful and use imagination in understanding the mentality of the project in the images involving the patient when doing surgeries.
Ordinarily, different versions of data which is visual are displayed on a separate scale, as a result of which doctors can have direct attention to fuse multiple image types. These include sort of angiography and CT scanning which can be made into a coherent representation of the patient’s status.
Augmented Reality, the future!
The current research says that the augmented reality can superimpose the digital information of the physical world. Maryland Blended Reality Center’s -Augmentation are applying the prototype in medicine domain.
Further, a surgeon who is using the AR headset like that of Microsoft would be able to see digital images and varied data on a wider field of view.
In such instances, the headset of the device can have a display of hovering echocardiogram which can further notify signs and data of patient’s characteristics. This can also show up the patient’s aneurysm on the surgical point of view. As a result, the surgeon doesn’t have to look away from the patient multiple times in order to gather or interpret pieces of information.
What are the positive effects?
With the added benefit of cost reduction and a safe process, the need for screens is also reduced. The processes like ultrasound, endoscopy, and bronchoscopy require a profound vision of hospitals to buy the systems and perform them at a cost. This process isn’t a different mode of imaging special displays but can greatly ease the current incompatible costly assets.
Hemodynamic monitors and ventilators have been largely used and the data is not merged further. With the advent of Augmented Reality, there would be a reduced cost for a monitor, with an aspect of each patients’ data. This can altogether put a lot of psychological data from multiple sources merging to real time.
The Annual World Health Care, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
International Conference on Global Healthcare will give access to the technology and the growth of the Healthcare Industry. It also plans to consider both the developed and developing world perspectives of outcomes in the field of healthcare. Physicians and associates along with psychology, physiotherapy, nursing, and different health professionals will share their views on the topics of technology in the healthcare domain.
Scaling Food metabolic, are they propitious?
A major challenge faced in the modern-day food industry is often the purpose of secondary metabolites. The process is largely varied with scientists of modern-day plant and food getting inadequate results from the interpretations. The most important step in the biological domain of metabolites is to mostly identify the compounds of interests.
It is extremely important to mostly get a complete list of compounds which is more characterized scientifically. While doing this a major time is saved with the replication process, which can be wasted if not attempted in the first go. Usually, while annotating compounds which are known, the process tends to happen.
A breakthrough Study!
In a recent study to observe and detect metabolite differences, various food plates had been prepared in getting ahead of choices. These choices were of large differences in the components of dietary foods. California based food plate is an efficient option to determine the macronutrient calculations.
Back in 2015, the company of Bruker Daltonics has been using complementary methods in aiming to accurately measure the food metabolites and natural products. They used mostly C-QTOF-MS/MS and GC-APCI-QTOF-MS/MS for the analysis in different food plates. This data evaluated was mostly used to identify and interpret the characteristics. Further, very small molecules contained in food samples can also be evaluated.
What did the study say!?
The study put forward the data using the LC-QTOF-MS/MS in ESI in positive ionization mode. These were further investigated and set ahead in the Metaboscape 2.0. This has been a software solution which is largely used in developing the identification of natural products.
The information is then used to make a characterized library, which is putting facilitation in de-replication for many known compounds.
The software has been known to further get ahead of difficulties in identifying the unknown components and at the same time helps in the assignment of target compounds. These are the crucial steps in the conversion of raw data of MS into further knowledge spree.
In this study, the data obtained through LC-QTOF-MS/MS in ESI positive ionization mode were re-investigated and presented in the MetaboScape 2.0 software solution, enabling the identification of natural products. Then, the information can be used to develop thoroughly characterized MS/MS libraries, facilitating a rapid de-replication for known compounds. The MetaboScape software has the ability to overcome difficulties in identifying unknowns and allows confident assignment of known target compounds, both of which are crucial steps in converting raw MS data into knowledge.
15th International Conference and Exhibition on Metabolomics & Systems Biology.
The conference at Kyoto, Japan will focus on the investigation of new research innovation in Metabolomics. The recent advancements are discussed with the presence of scholars and researchers from around the globe. Various topics are discussed such Proteomics, Systems Biology, Genomics, Precision Medicine, Lipidomics, LC-MS and GC-MS Techniques, Bioinformatics, Plant Metabolomics, Clinical metabolomics, tumor and digestion system, computational science, metabolomics disorder, Nutritional Metabolomics, Therapeutic Metabolomics and so on.
Sushma Swaraj at OIC meet: the presence showed humanity and peace stand first for OIC
One of the best examples of an international religious organization not being an extremist is the recent event that took place in the UAE. Sushma Swaraj, a Hindu, a woman foreign affair minister of a secular nation was invited as the guest of honor at the OIC meet. While addressing various global topics on friendship, humanity, and peace, she also addressed the unlawful use of violence. Such practices are being carried out all around the world irrespective of the religions the groups belong to.
Terrorism is a topic that gets openly talked about, however, with defensively by speakers. Sushma Swaraj is one of those few exceptions who choose to be bold when it comes fighting with terrorism. On the occasion of OIC completing Golden Jubilee, UAE celebrating the year of tolerance and Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, Sushma Swaraj spoke of how terrorism is an issue sheerly distinguishable to religion.
Terrorism and extremism hold different names and labels and they are not to be merged. The terrible destruction observed on almost every other day in all parts of the world is devastating. Speaking of the nations being associated with terrorism, Sushma Swaraj said, Every nation in the world undoubtedly demands peace in society.
That being said, Sushma Swaraj puts forward a point that can help fight terrorism growing in our country. “If we want to save humanity then we must tell the states who provide shelter and funding to the terrorists to dismantle the infrastructure of the terrorist camps and stop providing funding and shelter to the terror organizations based in that country. At the same time, I would like to say that menace could not be fought, only through military, intelligence or diplomatic means.” Said Sushma Swaraj.
She believes that the youth should engage in shaping the future, not in the destruction of lives and humanity. As a contributor to the nations’ growth, we must build a world for the youth where they can be equitable economic growth and social justice.
The Foreign Affair Minister then praised the Organisation of Islamic States for making new beginnings and wise choices for better directions that will have a sincere impact on humanity. She hopes that together, we can spread the true meaning and missions of all religions. As we promote, respect each other’s beliefs and faith, we can also advocate moderation over extremism present in societies.
Nanobiotechnology, on a curative convention!

Spinal cord injury has been a major disorder among all age groups. The world health organization puts forward data of around half a million people being affected with the injury in a span of 12 months. The reasons are varied with often road accidents and crashes is a major influencer.
The impact of Spinal Cord injury often manipulates with rates such as low school enrollments and participation in economic deals.
Nanotechnology for spinal cord injury offers a wide definition of scientific analysis on the treatment of adverse spinal cord injuries.
Nanobiotechnology, a complex term?
The term originates and functions as applications of small things, and the method is used to put them for the betterment in global scientific processes. Mostly abundant in the field of Biology, they are mostly referred to as Nanobiotechnological pieces of equipment.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of tiny things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.
The starting point!
The concept and idea behind this started with Physicist Richard Feynman who introduced the idea at a talk show meeting. The meet was held at the California Institute of Technology and made an impact of the process thereafter.
Further, he described the process being able to manipulate, and even take in control some of atoms and molecules. Moreover, the development went ahead and through proper scanning of microscopes, researchers were able to differentiate and modify individual atoms, and coined the term of nanotechnology.
Spinal Injuries and Nanobiotechnology
In the recent process of biological improvement, certain efforts are being made to induce the technology in reviving the organs as such. Heart, liver, kidneys and so on can be tackled along with complete surgery. These organs have regenerative tissues, which with the help of biological methods can progress much faster.
The process of ENVISION farther targets the paralyzed parts of the spinal cords. This can help on the rehabilitation of Parkinson and even Alzheimer’s, as per recent researches. With an introduction of the nanotechnology, specialists claim that adverse symptoms of neurological problems can be completely cured.
Current method standards are large in awakening the brain-machine interfaces. There are various cables which can link the brain activities of the patient to that of a computer. This can help in linking the patient and a computer, limiting many motor related functions. The additional processes include that of brain mapping activity, which requires large machinery working well in low-temperature operation conditions.
The future of Nanotechnology involves the coated electrodes which can perform neural interface being coupled with sensors. These can be used in conjunction with nanomaterials. One such example is that of carbon nanotubes, which acts as a supportive framework in the function of nerve cells, further enabling them to pass over the injury-prone area of the spinal cord. This further engraves an active bypass. With the advent of technology, nanotubes can act as neuronal prosthetics, promoting the process of neuroplasticity. Every such process can lead to the neurological activity of the damaged spinal cord.
Heart’s issue with the spinal cord!
As astonishing as it may sound too, the spinal cord injury does affect the heart. Current research points out that it is possible that both can be correlated.
How does this happen?
The heart goes on to change a lot just after a spinal cord injury and is dependent on how severe the injury is. Besides, after an injury has taken place, there is limited sparing of nerve fibers, this, in turn, is also minimal for the heart to function a profound level.
The research conducted does have a clinical significance to portray. The primary motive of the spinal cord injury management is to further reduce the damage which can happen during the initial days. The worsening of the injury is carried forward and can result in severe nerve damage fibers. The findings of the reports suggest that if there is a preserve of nerve fibers followed by an injury, there can be an improvement in the heart functions.This process is therefore much important in preventing any issues of heart with people who are diagnosed with spinal cord injuries.
International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology in Health Care
The conference named Nanomedicinemeet 2023 focuses on the aspects of Nanotechnology in the medical department. The conference centers solely on various updated news in fields such as Nanotechnology and Engineering, Medical Nanotechnology, Tissue Engineering and so on.
It is an exclusive platform preoccupied with the various industry speakers and researchers, who interact with a broader audience. The topics covered are to showcase new researches of Nanotechnology, Material science, and various other topics.
Inducing Physical Therapy can overcome the use of Opioids!
Injuries come unnoticed, with an onset of pain it gets accustomed to the self. Often rehabilitation helps in most of the cases where medicines do not act after a certain time. Rehabilitation programs implement a similar platform to induce healing and rehab procedures.
The concern on Opioids.
There is a worldwide national concern about the use of opioids in a large scale. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention always have alternatives for reducing the overuse, but the use of medication is always the first option among patients. The study, therefore, emphasizes the fact that physical therapy can be a lot more useful, with reducing the pharmacological approach. The musculoskeletal pain arriving from various disorders have been said to get relieved from the constant use of physical therapies.
On an analysis made from the private health, insurances have insurance claims for care and prescriptions in between 2007 and 2015. The claims do promote the use of extensive medicines mostly as a direct method to lessen pain.
The study has been published lately in the Jama Network Open, with the lead author being a Professor of orthopedic surgery, Steven George. He is recognized as a well-known senior author and an orthopedic surgeon.
What did the research say?
The research has a claim which did review several outpatients and emergency room visits for the diagnosis of shoulder, neck and low back pains.
They had screened the patients who had recently taken the opioids, with further including those who didn’t file for a prescription of an opioid within a year. Furthermore, it also screened patients who had less pain including those who had visited their doctors in a span of 20 days of their initial diagnosis. These people were given at least one opioid prescription within 3 months. Accordingly, the final sample had consisted of around 88,900 patients.
How did it help?
Findings did help clinicians who were in search of pain management options and found that inducing therapies did result in fewer health risks than using the opioids.
Additionally, exercise therapy, which is altogether a component of physical therapy did reduce pain and improved functions of musculoskeletal conditions. Further studies have revealed that the patients who are at constant prescriptions of opioid treatments are always at increased risk for an overdose of the medicine and misuse.
Findings stated that adjusting with some puzzling factors, the patients who had undergone early physical therapy were using less opioid medication for knee pain. The percentage was reduced at 10.3 for the knee, 9.7 for shoulder pains and 5.1 is for back pain. The period ranges for three months to a year after the diagnosis happened. Although neck pain wasn’t something that reduced with the use of therapies.
AI-powered drug design rediscovered by Science!
Current advances in the Artificial Intelligence domain are in successful propagation within an area of technology. These include the processes such as computer vision methods, speech recognition process, language processing and so on. World Congress on Chemistry and Drug Discovery 2023, Toronto purposes a view of the induced A.I process on the drug industry.
Artificial Intelligence and Pharmaceutical Drugs.
A. I have been constantly upgrading itself into areas of biology, chemistry, further improving the success rates and lowering the cost of drug delivery and developments.
At the laboratories of Jianfeng Pei, current drug discovery in the field of Artificial Intelligence has been put forward with topics of “AI for drug discovery and development”. This research topic properly highlights the recent advances of further advancements in the AI for the drug and developments. Currently, pharmaceutical domains have improved the process with a variety of pharmaceutical Research and development techniques.
The integrity of Artificial Intelligence is perceiving into life sciences which is further resulting in a wave full of academic publications. A number of startups have thus seen developing a wide variety of strategies, including pursuing the business models in developing pharmaceutical researches. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry has also been strengthening in the capabilities with centralizing amends of data sources which are segregated. This further gets onto hiring data scientists with investing in a large set of infrastructures.
This has curated A. I in the pharmaceutical industry and put forward a distinct vision of early-stage discoveries in innovative medicines, research, and development. These processes are expected to enable a lot of industry domain inventions of early-stage discovery and innovative medicines. This will further reach out to people globally.
Currently, China has been expected to become a major influencer in the pharmaceutical industry. Trade wars are evident in the current situations and they can have an impact on the field. Diseases like Cancer, Alzheimer’s aren’t affected by nation wise concerns. Unless there has been a clear set in the curing effects, the trade war of biotechnology domain is prevalent to that of war. Ordinarily, the advancement in the bio medicines requires major collaborations internationally, with varied diversity and initiatives.
World Congress on Chemistry and Drug Discovery-2019
The World Congress on Chemistry and Drug Discovery to be held on Toronto, Canada focuses an array of scientist, professors, chemistry subject experts, drug chemists, pharmaceutical engineers, research fellows, pharmaceutical engineers, research fellows, scientific communities, and so on. The event will portray a variety of ideas on the designated field dealing of A.I in the field of drugs. Additionally, the discussions include the ongoing research expertise in various fields of chemistry, drug designing, drug synthesis and engender.