Neuroscience and AI: integrating the unexplored areas

Though we see today that artificial intelligence and machine learning are getting spread over every sector, its development in the neurology is not yet explored to the extent it should have been. Neuroscience and artificial intelligence are considered two different things as one belongs to the technology while the other biology. 

Recent international conferences on neuroscience have discussed nemourous brain functions, thought little on AI. This blog traverses through how both terms can be incorporated and explored for obtaining advanced results from both sectors. 

Research in the past decade has observed physical connection in the brain to a tremendous extent. We have also seen how the nervous systems perceive information and process it. That being said, the brain is such a crucial and delicate factor in the body which has many undiscovered factors. That tells how there’s a lot more which is not explored yet. 

While we have been exploring how the brain functions and learns everything, on the other hand, tech experts have gained a gamut of things through constant development in the area of computer algorithms hardware and software applications. In today’s world of machine learning and artificial intelligence, some researchers believe that exploring the neurological areas and how the brain functions can help tech enthusiasts and researchers in many ways. It can primarily help translate the concepts of thinking from neurology and then incorporate them into things such as AI and machine learning. 

Brain and machines are indifferent: 

Artificial intelligence or even machine learning for that matter is a part of technological innovations which are systems. They are undoubtedly an improvised version of the human brain which can accurately find enormous data sets. These data sets are complex and often have subtle patterns. 

Through the latest healthcare industry market research, you would find such innovations almost in every sector today. Be it automated vehicles, face identifying systems, finance threat detection or robots, the systems have been a huge help to mankind. Its contribution to the medical diagnoses and healthcare industry cannot be ignored. However, they are simply modifications of a single computer algorithm. 

Another term popular in machine learning is artificial neural networks. This is a common approach which interconnects with digital processors accepting process measurements, inputs and produce outputs, etc. As per the researchers, to gain enhanced outputs, one should understand how various inputs give different outputs and analyze the same. With this, you will be able to respond better the patterns which are alike. 

For instance, if you wish that your system show the text of what is being shown to the system, you must show a lot of pictures of the object to help the system better recognize it. For instance, a dog. You have to show different dog images with more information about the various dog breeds. When you do this, your system can have internal connections and the next time you show a dog, it can show the text dog on it. The more information you put, the more objects it will be able to identify and display text for the same. 

This may be how a machine learning system understands various objects, however, the brain functions differently than the systems. You may not have to show every type of dog with different angles and yet the brain can identify a dog. With human brains, they take a very little amount of information, store it to the memory very quickly identify various subjects and objects even though seeing from different angles.

Needless to say that both the brain and the machine learning systems work differently owing to their different nature. While one ace at one thing, the other may poorly fail at the same and vice versa. 

For instance, a machine learning system may not able to process information when there’s noise in the communication, however, the brain can!  On the other hand, for a human brain, it can be difficult to process a large amount of complex data but that’s exactly what machine learning systems are made for. 

When you a dog’s photo which may be black and white or slightly torn, you can still identify the picture that it’s a dog. However, because of your brain know that the picture is similar to a dog, you would decide that it’s a dog. Unlike in the case of a machine learning system which would simply fail to give any output for the inadequately processed information. 

It is crucial to understand the brain’s potential to recover from physical problems, reconnecting with different things surrounding them. A stroke or an injury can make it difficult for a brain to adapt to go back to the stored information. The brain still aces at impressively processing a particular type of information despite being injured. As you may have seen that the brain does not struggle to understand a language while it may struggle to recognize particular subjects or objects which were stored at a particular time. 

In the case of machine learning systems, it may not at all function or process information if half of its connections are being removed or ‘injured’.

Integrating machine learning and neuroscience: 

Though there’s continous research being conducted in the neuroscience on how a brain functions or processes different information, it is still unclear how a particular brain processing method would do good in the machine learning system. For this, researchers may have to try each possibility of how the brain processing methods into the various machine learning methods. 

On the other hand, one may also explore improving machine learning for identifying new areas of neuroscience. Artificial intelligence may open new doors of questions and new challenges in the study of neuroscience. 

Researchers are how individual neurons contribute to their overall network. It is also exploring the connectivity of neurons on a broader network to understand the impact of the interactions between two neurons. 

With a similar line of action and viewpoints, if research in the areas of neuroscience and artificial intelligence is explored further, it may do wonders bringing you the technology of the future. At the same time, it may contribute to achieving new and advanced ways of fighting with neurological disorders or adverse brain conditions. 

As the World International Conference Neuroscience and Neurology is coming up next year on 25-26 May 2023, it will be interesting to see if brain such studies can have scope for further discussion among eminent. Going through the list of all-conference alerts 2023, the conference that one should not miss the opportunity to speak about AI in the cognitive neurology discussions. 

Omnichannel: the future of retail?

Only when the retailers thought the industry would collapse, D-mart’s entry in India grew faster despite the e-commerce wave. However, the expectations of a retail customer have changed drastically in the past few years. Though the retail industry has evolved in the past decade, it is still trying best to match the expectations level. 

The role of retailers has changed ever since e-commerce has disrupted the retail industry with its constant technological advancements. The retail sector has had it tough due to the digital disruption and the growing admiration of customers to diverse digital platforms. 

India is emerging as the next big thing in the international retail market after economies such as China and the US. The big market players in the industry are fighting to win over the retail competitive landscape. 

As per recent market research reports, the Indian retail market is likely to cross $ 1 trillion marks. What more interesting is that the Indian e-commerce market has 51% CAGR -the highest in the world. 

Digital platforms are seeing immense growth in the retailing industry with almost every retailing model entering the digital world. In India, there remains a huge number of people who penetrate the internet on a daily basis for the last few years. With the increased use of smartphones, and secure mobile payment solutions, digital portals have got strengthened in the retail markets. 

The internet helps retailers understand their customers better in numerous ways. Each time a customer purchases goods online, it gives crucial information to the marketer that help improve the user experience and retain loyalty. 

Despite the digital incorporation is increasing in the retail industry, a major number of consumers still prefers to touch and feel the product while buying goods. Many customers do not pay until they are fully satisfied with the demo. 

To attract such customers, digital marketers came up with an easy return or exchange policy which has become popular for the retail industry. Having said that, off-line customer experience remains hassle-free to gain traction from such consumers. 

Besides, the online platforms face problems of cut-throat competition with more market entrants occupying market share.  

Why omnichannel is doing great for the retail industry?

The digital presence helps retails to know their customers better. 

  • It helps them connect personally and provide sublime experience in their visit. 
  • It works as a backup where the physical shops cannot reach out to customers in certain cases. 
  • With digital marketing, retailers can have a bigger reach for their physical shops and centers. 

On the other hand, even the online producers and marketers are trying their hands offline to get the little slice of offline retails industry. 

Amazon, one of the biggest market giants in India has captured a big part of the country in a short period.  The company also had acquisitions in whole goods in 2017. It extended its online capabilities with increased online branding on Amazon Prime and other platforms. 

As per retail industry analysis, the personalizing the experiences of customers are given the most importance in the retail markets. With omnipresent retail models, it is possible to gain an overall understanding of the customer’s expectations. By meeting the dynamic needs of the customers, omnipresent business models can have a long way to go in the retail industry. 

Climate Change: It’s high time we get serious about it!

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U.N. recently reported a warning on how we use the land. Deforestation by humans has already threatened the land to damage with the increasing emissions of carbon dioxide. Also, climate change can endanger how we use our land, having a major negative impact on food security and put us into extreme weather conditions. 

Practices such as agriculture and logging are two of the major causes of human-induced greenhouse emissions. Presently, the jungles and other balanced lands have helped stabilize the negative impact of the emissions. 

The past few years observe 11.2 gigatonnes of more carbon dioxide getting soaked in the forests, wetlands and several other systems. This is comparatively more than the annual emissions. Additionally, the quantity of emission is more than the world’s coal-fired plants emission in a year. 

However, the destruction of land, its degradation practices and deforestation by humans can affect the land which is having potential, making it emit more carbon dioxide than absorbing. 

It is high time that humans find our nature-based solutions for using the land in the right way. Else, they will have to be ready to witness the negative impact of climate change and global warming coming closer.

As per a recent discussion in an international conference on climate change, several ways were explored to reverse the trend and use the land precisely. It is indeed not rocket science to have them implemented immediately. If the governments in different sectors plan strict policies, researchers expect we can soon implement without any technological advancements. All we need is adequate attention to understand its importance, financial support by governments and several market players and enabling environments. 

Restoring forests and reduced deforestation are the two ways which can be implemented immediately as urgent resolutions. This can contribute to keeping the disasters-like situations at bay and retain hopes of maintaining the temperature, restraining it from rising. 

Food producers have turned forests into agriculture lands owing to the increasing demand for food at the global level. However, emissions from agriculture can have a massive impact on climate change and hence, the issues here have to be addressed when speaking of rising temperature and global warming. 

Researchers suggest a slight change in dieting could also help fight against climate change in such situations. Reportedly, more than 25% of the food produced goes waste. If humans can rethink their dietary needs and eat accordingly, there can possibilities of reductions in the emissions. 

One of the upcoming conference on global warming discusses Global Warming and Planning the Sustainable future. The prominent speaker Prof. Kamani K.K, CEO APCEO senior Expert Asia and worldwide will be putting forward his opinions on the same. 

To understand the vulnerability of the issue, it is important that there are more discussions adoptions of new policies needed focusing on reducing the impact of climate change. A number of shocking risks involved in climate change such as already risen temperature. With our land warming up with more than 1.5°C, it’s time we think on our feet and acts as quickly as possible to implement nature-based solutions.

New UNAIDS chief all set to end Global battle against HIV/AIDS

Our struggle with HIV/AIDS has been long and fierce. Even as we speak of this, thousands of doctors, scientists and academicians worldwide, are hard at work, eagerly waiting to make the smallest of progress. 

Every tiny step against this destructive disease is a ray of hope for the millions who are affected by it and the millions more who have a loved one strongly gripped by the disease.

So what is it that makes this disease so deadly? 

HIV is a virus that lives in human fluids.This includes blood, sexual fluids, and breastmilk. It weakens the body’s immune system, which makes it difficult for our body to fight off common infections and invasions.It has a notorious history of spreading through sexual intercourse, use of unhygienic needles and wrongly performed blood transfusions. Since it was first detected in human blood, HIV/AIDS has a bad reputation of being a killer. 

Initially it was detected in congo, Africa but soon in a few decades it became a pandemic when travellers came back to their own countries after spending time in congo, they brought the virus with them and so it spread. Soon millions were affected worldwide.  

Since the first case was reported in the 1980’s, almost 40 years of intense research and global efforts have followed. After the last chief of UNAIDS Michel Sidibé stepped down from the chair owing to accusations of mismanagement,  Director of Women and Development at the African Union Commission, Winnie Byanyima has been appointed as the new chief of the organization.

The new chief is hopeful that by the year 2030 AIDS will have ended as a global pandemic, although she understands that it would not be easy to achieve this goal. In a statement while expressing her gratitude she said “I am honoured to be joining UNAIDS as the Executive Director at such a critical time in the response to HIV. 

The end of AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 is a goal that is within the world’s reach, but I do not underestimate the scale of the challenge ahead. Working with all its partners, UNAIDS must continue to speak up for the people left behind and champion human rights as the only way to end the epidemic.

Ms Byanyima was appointed by Secretary-General, António Guterres, following a thorough selection procedure aided by a search committee constituted by members of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board.

Ms Byanyima started her career as a member of Parliament of the National Assembly of Uganda almost 30 years ago. She stood for the marginalized communities and women.

In its latest report issued on 13th August 2019, UNAIDS declared that there has been a 16% decline in HIV cases. 

The report claims that Africa has made giant advances in the response to AIDS since 2010, the number of death cases have fallen by 40%. AIDS related deaths have continued to decline as treatment is reaching more and more of the population.

According to sources “In 2018, key populations, including people who inject drugs, gay men and other men who have sex with men, transgender people, sex workers and prisoner.accounted for around 95 per cent of new HIV infections in eastern Europe and central Asia and in the Middle East and North Africa.”

In the 2018 international conference on HIV/AIDS, former UNAIDS executive director Michel Sidibé urges all to consider the 2020 targets as a wakeup call and “quicken their pace” as there are “still miles to go”.

To find out more about the efforts in response to HIV/AIDS stay updated with the latest World Conference Alerts and be sure to attend the upcoming conference in Italy.

Binge eating and starving impact on physical and mental health

The recent trend of having a skinny body to be able to look attractive has had a negative impact on many. The increased pressure caused by social media and the fashion industry on young men and women has led to the development of eating disorders. The overall image of health has been portrayed wrongly before a naive crowd. 

The trend of being skinny has pushed many young people into various types of mental health issues including eating disorders, anxiety, anorexia, body dimorphism, depression and many more.

Anorexia is one such eating disorder that has two major types: the binge and purge type and the restricting type. The restricting type tends to starve itself till it reaches an unhealthy skinny frame. The other more common type tends to overeat first then feel guilty and starve and exercise on an empty stomach till they feel sick and hungry and overeat again. 

There is a plethora of physical symptoms or effects of this habit. The physical signs include Extreme weight loss, Thin or malnourished appearance, abnormally low blood counts, fatigue/ muscle weakness, sleep problems, dizziness, fingers turning bluish in complexion,thinning and damaged hair,irregular menstruation, abdominal pain,yellowish skin, dry flaky dull skin,vulnerability to cold temperatures, low blood pressure and many more.

A nature genetics paper states that 0.4- 4% of women suffer from anorexia while 0.3% of men are affected by it. 

Anorexia tends to create a distortion in the perception of the individual who is suffering. They have a tendency to see themselves as heavier than they are in reality. This includes looking into the mirror and finding body parts out of proportion and swollen. The body is unable to receive the nutrition it requires to perform day to day functions. 

Calorie intake tends to become so low that the energy produced in the body is not enough to regulate body temperature causing problems like hypothermia. Sufferers develop a very low tolerance for cold. Inadequate food intake also causes less oxygen to flow through the blood, giving rise to fatigue and low blood pressure and fainting.

People seeking recovery from Anorexia are advised to turn to eat disorder treatment experts. A team of a nutritionist, physician, and therapist can bring about expected effective results. The treatment that is given through such a team typically consists of three required components: 

Medical: If there’s any serious health issue resulting from the eating disorder behaviors, the medical method addresses it. This can include factors such as malnutrition, unstable heartbeat, amenorrhea or electrolyte imbalance. Researchers are still exploring the ways they address every concerned disorder in a better manner. 

Nutritional: A tailored meal plan for weight restoration, implementation, and other such factors are involved in the nutritional component. It further involves education about normal eating patterns and supervision by the healthcare expert. 

Therapy: This is one of the important parts of treatments as the healthcare experts try to find the issues underneath. It addresses key factors affecting due to eating disorders such as traumatic life events and helps the patient learn healthier coping skills for further development. 

The upcoming International Conference on Public Health and Nutrition discusses such various issues associated with binge eating, starving and how the disaster duo affects overall health and nutrition of people. 

Regenerating Tooth Enamel Artificially? Soon, it’s possible!

Billions of people around the world get dental problems such as tooth decay or loss of tooth enamel. Teeth, the hardest matter in your body which cannot be replaced with another tooth. Researchers are still studying the global problem hoping it will be solved sooner than later. To discuss such problems and share the advanced aspects, a global conference on dental science in Singapore next year. 

In one such study conducted in China, a liquid solution was developed that could work on the damaged tooth enamel, restoring its external surface. They are experimenting with the natural mineralization process where the substance used is similar to the teeth’s protective external layer. 

Ameloblasts cells get generated during the biomineralization process where they release proteins needed to make our outer coating of the teeth hard. Since mature teeth cannot repair themselves naturally once they’ve shaped, it becomes complicated and difficult to build ameloblasts after teeth have formed.

Scientists are still trying different methods to artificially coax through remineralized enamel. However, all past experiments so far have come short due to the complexity involved.  To artificially mimic the crystalline structure of enamel. 

While discussing one of such research studies researchers quoted, “We herein reveal that a rationally designed material composed of calcium phosphate ion clusters can be used to produce a precursor layer to induce the epitaxial crystal growth of enamel apatite, which mimics the biomineralization crystalline-amorphous frontier of hard tissue development in nature,”. The team led by biomimetics and materials scientist Zhaoming Liu.  Researchers are working on a new type of calcium phosphate ion clusters in nanoparticles. 

In the study, with the help of triethylamine chemical, the nanoparticles are aimed at stabilizing in a solution of ethanol.  This is done to protect them from forming clumps. 

When patients donate their teeth, these nanoparticles get together to the human enamel structure. This basically mimics the outer coating of teeth with an almost similar layer which is developed artificially. 

Though the layer is extremely tiny than the full layer of the human tooth enamel, researchers suggest that multiple coatings with CPIC solution can possibly make the artificial enamel thicker. 

The team further adds that the newly generated enamel has similar attributes and structure as you would find in natural tooth enamel. 

While fillings are the common solution for teeth enamel problems, the development is expected to help get regrowth of the enamel without the help of fillings. The trials for the same are projected to start within two years. 

To take it further, the research team will now start working on the safety part of the artificial enamel regrowth substance. Since this chemical evaporates in ethanol, this may create challenges making the substance risky to put in practice. It will be demonstrated in mice and then will be proceeded for clinical trials. 

We may see further discussions through dental conferences in 2023. Though finding solutions to the teeth enamel damage is always a priority project in the dental science field, prevention from tooth decay and other problems is always promoted by dental scientists. 

Gulf of Mexico: Oil-rich yet almost-dead deepwater

The Gulf of Mexico has remained largely lifeless in the deep-sea areas. Parasite-laden crabs and shrimps are only an exception to the case. Dating back to the decade-old explosion on the horizons drilling of deepwater, it spilled a big amount of oil into the Gulf. 

Hard underlying substances in the water such as debris of the rig were expected to have something developing on the surface. However, the Deepwater areas in the Gulf of Mexico neither had anemones nor sponger and corals which is particularly found in such regions. 

The marine water history saw its largest accidental release of oil in the year 2010 on April 20th. The BP explosion was one of its kind among the recent explosions on the earth releasing oil. Though there has been enough research, there isn’t an accurate estimation of the size of the spill. According to recent energy & utilities market research, it is approximately 650 million liters over 87 days. 

There was research conducted to understand the rig underneath deepwater areas of the Gulf of Mexico. In this, camera-mounted vehicles were used which could be operated with the help of remotes. The findings in this study of rig beneath are published in August 2017. 

Parasite covered crabs: 

The research conducted endeavored to study the biodiversity but couldn’t find anything which is typical of the deepwater areas. Having said that, the team could find a lot of aquatic group of crustacea such as red deepwater crabs and shrimp. Speaking of their shape, they were rough with blackened shells. The crabs were covered in parasites. 

One of the strange things about these finding was missing legs and claws of crabs. Due to the unusual nature of the deepwater, there were many shell deformities in what the team viewed. 

Despite several efforts, the team could not collect any samples, and hence they can only form theories on what may have happened to the critters. McClain, who was the research leader said that the oil spilled in such areas typically mimick a sex hormone which is luring unwaring crabs to the area. 

Here, they met with the toxic remnants of the oil spill instead of searching for a mate. As a result, their shells get covered while preventing them from shedding to remove the parasite which is cumulated in a natural manner. 

While sharing the experience, Craig McClain said, “The prior week, we had done dives across the Gulf of Mexico and saw, you know, glass sponges and squids and fish and whip corals and giant isopods, one of my favorite deep-sea animals,”.

Explaining it further, he spoke of how the view was similar to be surrounded in the tropical rainforest while on other days it would appear like a parking lot of cement. 

Though the subject is a key one in the history of deepwater, the team is afraid of getting a lack of attention. There’s more research expected to observe and study the Deepwater livings. Brazil deepwater conference happening in 2020 is one such upcoming international conference which encourages research and discussion in the field of Deepwater. 

Some of the research teams who had been working on such projects were found working on their own money and efforts. There’s little support for the studies in such areas and discussing it through events is expected to push such projects further with proper financial support. 

Though there’s little which can be done to restore the deepwater conditions, however, the research teams are hopeful if such topics get enough support, there’s maybe a lot to be done. 

Is the Cannabis industry advancing in Nanotechnology?

Earlier this month, a study by researchers at The University of New Mexico, authenticated the use of cannabis for relieving pain with negligible side effects. The study used the method of rating from 0 to 10 of a pain level, where the rating approximately decreased by three points with the use of cannabis.

One of the researchers, Jacob Vigil claimed that it was the best substitute for opioids.   

The findings revealed that the positive feedback came from those who use dried cannabis flowers, primarily flowers with high THC levels.

However, it is said that cannabis is more efficacious in nano form. The patient can directly absorb it into their bloodstream, and the effect will be felt in less than 15 minutes. Here, the correlation between nanotechnology and cannabis pays off.

Nanotechnology will be the best source for drug delivery for the cannabis industry. Scientists have also validated the use of nanotechnology to deliver dose to the particular parts or cells of the body, which will catalyst the treatment process without damaging the other healthy cells in the body. 

As nanotechnology is emerging in the cannabis industry, researchers are finding further research and applications to gain more traction to the cannabis field. 

It is the art of manipulating matter at a very minute level. Uses of nanotechnology have driven the market to the next level. Various industries are developing growth opportunities and researching on nanoscience.

Business firms are also taking the initiative to implement nanotechnology in the cannabis industry. One such firm, Geyser brand, headquartered in British Columbia is pushing its limit to bring nanotechnology into its products. The company manufactures hemp-based consumer products such as cosmetics, nutraceuticals, food, and beverages. 

Geyser has come upon the formula that their products won’t have a bitter taste that other cannabis products have. This will be a key driving factor for the cannabis industry worldwide. 

Geyser suggested that China is a big market for them to deliver there manufactured products. They are extending their markets in Europe as well. The global cannabis industry is expected to grow at $130 billion in a decade, Geyser is set to be the leader within its sector.

Similarly, Nanosphere, a U.S based company, is one of the leading companies for the delivery of cannabis products. It’s Evolve Formula is the world’s only scientifically proven nanoparticle delivery system for cannabis. 

Some scientists also suggest using nanotechnology-based cannabis products cautiously. 

Dr. Richard Sayre, chief scientific officer, said that he is worried about the accumulation of emulsification agents in specific parts of the body such as the liver, lungs, and brain.

Nanotechnology has gained momentum in the cannabis industry, but there are still many drawbacks. The future emerging industries will see exponential growth in nanotechnology. Since its inception is beneficial if researchers deeply study, there can be ways where enterprises can adopt it on a large scale.

Though the implementation of nanotechnology is expensive, many developing countries are adopting it. Most developed countries have already adopted nanotechnology and are going into the depth of it.

This is just a scrap of nanotechnology. The upcoming conference in Italy will have a thorough discussion of several aspects and scope of nanotechnology.  The International Conference On Nanotechnology And Nanomaterials is going to take place at most historic place in Europe Rome, Italy on March 02-03, 2020.

Is AI boon to Ophthalmology?

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is playing a significant role in the industry and is applicable in most of the sectors. With the increasing number of visual problems, artificial intelligence has a lot to offer in the eye care sector as well. AI has a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic disease. 

A recent study suggests that AI has played an immense role in the identification of diabetic retinopathy. Researchers said that AI has matched the performance to diagnose diabetic retinopathy the same as done by the expert.  In fact, it has succeeded more than expected. It recognized the attributes from images that might indicate disease, of which the software was not even programmed.  AI on itself figured out by simply looking at other thousands of diseased and healthy eyes.

Artificial intelligence is the science that deals with computer algorithms, programs, and codes to learn, analyze, identify and interpret data.  AI is assumed to perform better than humans, especially in image recognition.  

Similarly, another research was conducted to detect glaucoma and VF loss with a visual field analysis. Usually, the detection of glaucoma takes time due to anatomical changes. If the disease is detected at an early stage then it will help to curb vision loss. Here came the innovation of an AI-based system to recognize patterns of visual field changes to detect the accurate problem and reduce time to identify it. This machine learning-based pattern was very effective in recognizing 25% to 50% of the eyes indicating VF loss than any other method. 

Scientists are finding more ways to incorporate artificial intelligence in eye care. They are aiming to use machine-learning techniques and algorithmic assessments to change the perspective of the eye care industry.

AI has also paved its way to give a new outlook to eye charts. The eye chart is dated back to the 19th century, has very low precision to detect vision ie. reading of the smallest letter. Due to its single dimension, it can prove insufficient to indicate vision loss or other changes in vision. The recent developed hardware/software platform is an algorithmic framework that executes active learning algorithms on a digital screen to rationalize the evaluation of human vision.

Zhong-Lin Lu, a chief scientist at New York University Shanghai is of the view that AI unified with neuroscience can help in testing vision better than an eye chart. He also said that AI can help in personalized aid services by using active learning principles to find an individual patient reaction and then modify the treatment accordingly.

AI and Machine Learning applications have proven beneficial for the eye care sector. When it comes to health-related disorders, proven results are a must. AI has stood to show its full potential in intelligent diagnosis in Ophthalmology. 

The upcoming conference on 22nd Asia Pacific Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting will have discussions on the latest technological advancement related to eye vision in 2023.

Robotics for Climate Conditions? It’s happening!

The era of the fourth revolution is here where robots will make robots. Recently, ABB began its new construction of robotics manufacturing and research facility in the world’s largest robotics market, China.  The new construction will be the world’s most versatile and advanced factory in the robotics industry. It will be a center where robots will make robots. It will employ all the latest technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and other cutting-edge technologies.

The fourth revolution also called Industry 4.0  has changed the world used to work earlier in all three revolutions. Almost half of the work performed by a human today is automated. Now researchers are also finding ways to incorporate advanced technology to curb global climate change. 

Human activities largely contribute to climate change by emitting huge amount of greenhouse gases impacting the earth’s atmosphere leading to the climate crisis. 

Robotics and automation deployment will help to reduce the negative impact of human activities. The technology has opened up opportunities for protection of the environment as well as research.

The emerging technology is having the potential to build the infrastructure and facility to lessen greenhouse gas emissions. The researchers suggest that automation and robotics can play a leading role in impacting climate resilience. 

Robotics is already a leading technology with automation as its core aspect. Automation applied in mass will lead to less consumption and emission.  

Earlier cars were manufactured by skilled artisans. But today, manufacturing of the car is wholly automated, with man workforce replaced by robotic workers. The technologies of industry 4.0 have enabled efficient energy management in industries. The use of automation in car manufacturing has lessened the emission of metals and minerals impacting the environment.  

Similarly, the increasing population has led to an increase in demand for food production. The agriculture production practices are degrading the ecosystems such as terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and also exhausting water resources propelling the climate change. 

Here technology has to be incorporated to play a vital role. Most of the countries in the world are adopting technological advancements in agricultural practices. Robots have started replacing manpower. The robotics are performing agricultural tasks from watering fields, weed control, mowing, pruning, seeding, spraying and thinning, navigation in the fields, sorting and packing. Vertical farms are being constructed which are fully automated thereby augmenting space and improving production efficiency. These applications of the technology are reducing emissions by preserving the natural environment. 

The automated technology does not release harmful emissions and lessens the pollution causing tools such as trucks which are responsible for heavy emissions of smog per day. The automation technology uses fewer energy resources and hence produce less waste. 

The waste industry has also started to use mechatronic innovations to cut down the handling cost thus improving the impact of waste on the environment. The automated process in waste management can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.  

Surely, the use of automation and robotics will help to restraint the factors impacting climate change. The upcoming conference on Advanced Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial Intelligence will discuss about latest technological advancements and their applications.