Earlier this month, a study by researchers at The University of New Mexico, authenticated the use of cannabis for relieving pain with negligible side effects. The study used the method of rating from 0 to 10 of a pain level, where the rating approximately decreased by three points with the use of cannabis.
One of the researchers, Jacob Vigil claimed that it was the best substitute for opioids.
The findings revealed that the positive feedback came from those who use dried cannabis flowers, primarily flowers with high THC levels.
However, it is said that cannabis is more efficacious in nano form. The patient can directly absorb it into their bloodstream, and the effect will be felt in less than 15 minutes. Here, the correlation between nanotechnology and cannabis pays off.
Nanotechnology will be the best source for drug delivery for the cannabis industry. Scientists have also validated the use of nanotechnology to deliver dose to the particular parts or cells of the body, which will catalyst the treatment process without damaging the other healthy cells in the body.
As nanotechnology is emerging in the cannabis industry, researchers are finding further research and applications to gain more traction to the cannabis field.
It is the art of manipulating matter at a very minute level. Uses of nanotechnology have driven the market to the next level. Various industries are developing growth opportunities and researching on nanoscience.
Business firms are also taking the initiative to implement nanotechnology in the cannabis industry. One such firm, Geyser brand, headquartered in British Columbia is pushing its limit to bring nanotechnology into its products. The company manufactures hemp-based consumer products such as cosmetics, nutraceuticals, food, and beverages.
Geyser has come upon the formula that their products won’t have a bitter taste that other cannabis products have. This will be a key driving factor for the cannabis industry worldwide.
Geyser suggested that China is a big market for them to deliver there manufactured products. They are extending their markets in Europe as well. The global cannabis industry is expected to grow at $130 billion in a decade, Geyser is set to be the leader within its sector.
Similarly, Nanosphere, a U.S based company, is one of the leading companies for the delivery of cannabis products. It’s Evolve Formula is the world’s only scientifically proven nanoparticle delivery system for cannabis.
Some scientists also suggest using nanotechnology-based cannabis products cautiously.
Dr. Richard Sayre, chief scientific officer, said that he is worried about the accumulation of emulsification agents in specific parts of the body such as the liver, lungs, and brain.
Nanotechnology has gained momentum in the cannabis industry, but there are still many drawbacks. The future emerging industries will see exponential growth in nanotechnology. Since its inception is beneficial if researchers deeply study, there can be ways where enterprises can adopt it on a large scale.
Though the implementation of nanotechnology is expensive, many developing countries are adopting it. Most developed countries have already adopted nanotechnology and are going into the depth of it.
This is just a scrap of nanotechnology. The upcoming conference in Italy will have a thorough discussion of several aspects and scope of nanotechnology. The International Conference On Nanotechnology And Nanomaterials is going to take place at most historic place in Europe Rome, Italy on March 02-03, 2020.